I really cried yesterday...know why? I nearly knocked down by a few vehicles when I was crossing road after work last night. It was a cross-road so even there are traffic lights, many cars will be driving from different directions too. The GREEN-MAN lighted when I was crossing,. However, those drivers from other direction thought that there is no car and they can right-turn to my direction, AND they didn't even noticed me crossing road! Ya, two or three motorcyclists and drivers drove just right in front of me. There were some vehicles STOPPED close to my body when they saw me, WHAT THE FUCK! I stood in the middle of the road because I cannot walked back (there were cars behind me) or to the front (as the taxi-driver sped and I thought he might just knocked me off)... Although I had crossed the road "safely", my heart really pounded very fast. I broke down when I told my papa about it. He said that 我吓破胆了... He asked me to drink cold water and pray to gods to calm myself down.
Until now, I was still thinking of that incident...