La la la-la la la...
Whee! We had our Human Resource Development (HRD) presentation yesterday. This assignment required us to design a training program for adults (which also known as Adult Learning), and yes, we chose the topic of "Floriography - Languages of Flowers" which is completely unrelated to HR. At first, we were rather not confident about this because we were "forced" to use this topic. Ya, our lecturer rejected almost all our ideas except this one. Okay fine, we accepted it.
Because of our unwillingness to accept this idea, we only met up for meeting for less than 5 times and did not rehearse many times. Erm not that we were confident or what, it's just that this assignment only has the weightage of 15%. WHY SO SERIOUS?!
In addition, we initially thought that other people might do better than us because of they used professional tools for their powerpoint slides and their programs were so informative!
BUT who knows our presentation turned out FANTASTIC... It turned out so fantastic that even our lecturer enjoyed it so much! I'm so happy! Let me tell you how fantastic it was...
Firstly, although they used professional skills in designing their powerpoint slides or being very informative about their program, they were unable to keep the audience high. Some of them were being criticised badly by our lecturer because their programs contained too much information which cannot be absorbed by the audience. What our lecturer wanted to see is "something interesting which makes the audience (the working adults) feel lighthearted and relaxed, while at the same time these audience can also learn something from it". Okay, sounds complicated right? Alright, anyway we got what he wanted!!! *feel proud*
Secondly, from the moment we started to roleplay and present our program, the audience (including our lecturer) laughed throughout the whole presentation, as if every part of our presentation is the climax? Talking about the climax, we created a "surprise" during the interaction with audience. Yes, even our lecturer was surprised and thought that we got into trouble about interacting with audience. HAHAHA! The "surprise" turned out hilarious too!
Thirdly, as our lecturer injured his foot during the soccer match, we decided to use this example and incorporated into our roleplay. WOAH! The audience's reaction was great and our lecturer was tickled by us! Of course, there were other parts of our roleplay were fun too!
Lastly, our strict lecturer praised us to the skies after our presentation. Although other groups received some positive feedback from him, they were also being criticised by him at the same time. As for us, all we received was PRAISES and GOOD FEEDBACK! And, he uses our group performance as a STANDARD for other groups which are going to present next week! I guess, most of our course-mates gonna hate us for that!

Though we thought that we heck care about 15%, we still bothered to prepare those props and to spend time and effort to think of ideas of linking funny roleplay to presentation. Well, our time and effort paid off, isn't it? Alright, I hope that the audience will give us high marks, and please don't mark us down because of their childishness or jealousy. Ya, I guess everyone in HR cohort recognises us. Hmm we prefer to keep ourselves low-profile. Heehee!
Anyway, good luck to those who are presenting next week! :)
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