Due to my hectic schedule, I don't have any extra time for me to update my blog. Oh well, things were bad for us for the last two months. Time flies...It's has been one month since my Ah-po passed away.
Since when I was a baby, I was being taken care by Ah-po. That explained why I had a very close relationship with her. From what I recalled, my memories with her were unforgettable.
When I was a kid, I liked to jump on her bed. Then she would scolded me, but as a naughty girl, I continued to jump and jump until she got very mad. When I was at her house every weekend, I would saw her watching television and dipping her soda biscuits with coffee. Since then, I was influenced by her...till now I still dip my biscuits with coffee. Yup, you can see the picture below. That was what I did - took her biscuit and dipped her coffee :) got caught on camera oops! :X
Since when I was a baby, I was being taken care by Ah-po. That explained why I had a very close relationship with her. From what I recalled, my memories with her were unforgettable.
When I was a kid, I liked to jump on her bed. Then she would scolded me, but as a naughty girl, I continued to jump and jump until she got very mad. When I was at her house every weekend, I would saw her watching television and dipping her soda biscuits with coffee. Since then, I was influenced by her...till now I still dip my biscuits with coffee. Yup, you can see the picture below. That was what I did - took her biscuit and dipped her coffee :) got caught on camera oops! :X
Of course, just a few words are not enough to express what kinds of memories I shared with her for 23 years... But all I wanna say is that I really miss her...and I miss my Ah-gong as well... Ah-gong doted on my younger brother and I the most among all his grandchildren. Haha I also don't know why... Maybe we are the cutest HAHAHA!
Well, they might be enjoying themselves at another world. Nonetheless, they will always live in my heart ♥
Okay, I shall stop the sad topic here.

My favourite brand of masks!
Well, they might be enjoying themselves at another world. Nonetheless, they will always live in my heart ♥
Okay, I shall stop the sad topic here.
Well, as usual my hectic schedules are caused by tonnes of project assignments. Hmm maybe I should stop complaining because I am taking 3 modules this semester. I should be worry for next semester. Know why? We realised that we still have 4 more modules to go instead of just 3 more modules. Yes, we miscalculated the number of modules, and happily thought that our last semester gonna be a relaxed one. Having 4 more modules means that we gonna have MORE assignments. Nice one, good luck to us next semester!
Besides being busy with my assignments, I am busy dating with Baby and my cliques as well. Heehee these are what I asked Ronald to get for me from Taiwan but he rejected my payment for these masks. Yeah free masks!! *happy* Saves my money wahahaha!
Besides being busy with my assignments, I am busy dating with Baby and my cliques as well. Heehee these are what I asked Ronald to get for me from Taiwan but he rejected my payment for these masks. Yeah free masks!! *happy* Saves my money wahahaha!

My favourite brand of masks!
This brand of masks is fantastic and works well for me, but it is a little bit pricey. I should say, it's money for the quality! Hmm do I sound a bit random about mentioning the masks? Never mind, I met my poly cliques for dinner and supper last week. It was great catching up with them... Next up, meeting my TPSS cliques this month!! Yeah, I am looking forward to it as we haven't meet each other for 2 freaking years!
Alright, it's time for me to get my beauty sleep! Good night!
Alright, it's time for me to get my beauty sleep! Good night!
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