For the past 2 weeks, besides relaxing myself after the examination, I was also busy with my new job. And yes, I have job-hopped! I have joined Elvina's company (World Kitchen), as a part-time promoter. To be honest, I never like being a promoter at all! Firstly, I don't like to approach strangers. Secondly, I don't like to fake my smile because the question is "why should I smile at strangers?"... Thirdly, I know my voice is kinda manly and loud, and I have to fake my voice to be sweet and soft, ewww! Fourth, I hate looking at my watch once every 5 minutes and wondering if my watch is spoilt (because it is not moving!). Ya, this happens when there is no business. Hohohoho! Last but not least, I had a bad experience of being a promoter when I was in secondary school. At that time, I only earned the commission $20++ for the whole day, and earned $0 for the subsequent 2 days! Yes, without basic salary ok! How pathetic I was~
Nonetheless, this job is quite okay-okay. For the time being, I am at Tangs Orchard and of course, the Tangs staff are nice to get along with. When there is no business, those staff will gossip and talk craps among themselves, and I will join in the fun too. And ya, my senior promoter is nice to me too! :) So, not so bad for me uh? As compared to my previous experience, this isn't so scary. I forgot to mention one thing... I don't like the colleaugues (of previous company as a promoter) because they appeared to be cold towards newcomers and they were very selfish to teach you because they scared you would snatch their businesses and commissions. Luckily, there is no commission for this job so I don't have to worry about the troubles of hitting sales targets. Hmm oh well, I don't know where I will be posted in the next month.
By the way, the release date of exam result is on 2 June 2011, which means NEXT THURSDAY! OMG, damn fast! Alright, I won't carry high hopes on getting good results for this semester ok. Yes, my assignment results suck! Therefore, they would definitely pulled down overall grades. Furthermore, I have little confidence in examination :( Okay, I will be working on that day, should I look at my results online before work in the morning or after work at night? If results are good, it will definitely brighten up my day! If results are bad, my mood will be adversely affected. Hmm but if I wait until I have knocked off from work, I will definitely feel nervous for the whole day ehh! Hmmmm hmmm hmmm... how? Never mind, I shall think about it over this weekend. Haha!
OH YAR! One more thing... This reminder is for all the C.K. Tangs/ Citibank cardmembers...Yes, I'm on duty from 2pm to 11pm on this day, sad! :(
Okay, that's all I wanna update for my past 2 weeks... Ciao!