Sometimes, I just wonder...
Is that difficult to be loved by someone whom you love?
28 January 2009
24 January 2009
Whee! I guess that I have really learnt the skill of cycling last night. Yada yada, even though the stability is still not there, I did learn how to balance myself k? I think that the most scariest one is Long Yun and I were testing on the couple bike..He sped and I screamed like HELL! I swear, I will never ask him to ride with me!
I didn't know that cycling is the most tiring exercise, I mean TO ME lar. I was exhausted after cycling around Pasir Ris Park. Then I know the reason why I was so exhausted...It was because that the gear was so tight so I need a lot of energy to get it move. Argh, okay after that they got it changed for me. I felt so relaxed when cycling a "better" bike lar.
Anyway, I cycled all the way back home with the gang because there was no bus available. Then they continue their night cycling journey~ and I pig-ed through the night :)
It was really a pity that I cannot go night cycling with them :( It is really fun and enjoyable being with them.
22 January 2009
Quote from Xinyan...
剛剛放工後 我和表妹去tampines mall 吃晚餐然後就談起以前小時候星期六星期天大家都會聚集在ah po家我們幾個女孩子就會在那裡聊天, 玩five stones, 帶colour pens 帶autograph book 去給對方寫,去雜貨店買吃的買喝的...然後今天我們就是邊吃飯邊在懷念過去還說 很希望看到 那三位姐弟(後來因為上一代的恩怨, 就沒有跟他們聯絡了, 他們不但搬了家,還改了名字)
然後!!!!!!!!!!!! 我們要回家的時候竟然看到三姐弟的其中一位姐姐!!!!我立刻推了身旁的表妹一下 她也反應很快的往那個方向看然後我們兩個驚訝得說不出話來 太突然了! 剛剛才提起 就立刻看到!? 有沒有那麼巧!!!!
她跟兩個男生一起上扶梯.其中一個, 很像他的弟弟. 對, 是我的表哥.也是我第一個暗戀的人 LOLso 我就很緊張啦! 想看清楚mah!!!就叫表妹陪我一起跟蹤他們! 看他們去哪裡 哈哈可是~~~~ 哎. 還是跟不到. 轉眼間他們就消失了.
然後!!!!!!!!!!!! 我們要回家的時候竟然看到三姐弟的其中一位姐姐!!!!我立刻推了身旁的表妹一下 她也反應很快的往那個方向看然後我們兩個驚訝得說不出話來 太突然了! 剛剛才提起 就立刻看到!? 有沒有那麼巧!!!!
她跟兩個男生一起上扶梯.其中一個, 很像他的弟弟. 對, 是我的表哥.也是我第一個暗戀的人 LOLso 我就很緊張啦! 想看清楚mah!!!就叫表妹陪我一起跟蹤他們! 看他們去哪裡 哈哈可是~~~~ 哎. 還是跟不到. 轉眼間他們就消失了.
其實也不是想認回他們還是怎樣啦只是純粹希望能保持聯絡啊. 不能繼續當cousins至少可以做朋友吧
就覺得很悲哀. 以前明明那麼要好...
我一直都想找他們. 可是因為他們名字換了嘛所以很難找....................... 不過說真的 如果他們有心找我們的話 早就來聯絡我們了對不對?反正我們的名字都還是一樣 網路那麼發達 找一下就找到了啊所以我想就算我們真的再遇見, 他們應該也會假裝沒看到 或者不認識吧.
Yeah it's true that it was really disappointing...Of course, we will be happy for them if they are leading good life now :)
20 January 2009
Hmm it seems like I have nothing to blog here eh.. Chinese New Year is coming soon but I don't have the MOOD to celebrate it ya. Too many work and problems made me so stressed. I think that there is a possibility that I might need to stay at home during the second day of CNY haha, just to do the powerpoint slides for FYP Presentation lol. Actually this is only my excuse of not going out bleah~ but for the sake of collecting more angpaos I must drag myself out!
Okay before I end my entry, I need to thank all my friends who have been there for me after my breakup with him. Haha like some of my friends said that the best way to forget the unhappiness is to EXPAND MY SOCIAL CIRCLE lol
Well life still have to go on~ and I promise to be Daddy's good girl :)
17 January 2009
16 January 2009
Pretty happy uh?
You Are Pretty Happy |
![]() You generally have a happy, fulfilling life. But things could be a little better, and deep down, you know it. Maybe you need more supportive friends or a more challenging career. Something is preventing you from being totally happy. You just need to figure out what it is! |
I think that it is quite true. Yeah, there is something is preventing me from being totally happy.
15 January 2009
Get out of my mind!
For this few days, I have been keeping myself busy because I want to get him out of my mind. However, it wasn't easy. All I could do is keep him in my heart because he did give me wonderful memories. It's just that we are not fated to be together... I hope that he will be happy now.
13 January 2009
Mixed emotions
Recently, there are too many things happened to me. It has made a drastic change in my life.
Firstly, I used to take things for granted and now, I treasure everything and everyone around me. Because I am scared that I might lose them.
Secondly, I got back something which I had lost it last time and she has been there for me all the time silently. She leave me a message in MSN which made me have a urge to hug her and cry it out loud. To her: I was really sorry that we went silent after certain things happened last time and now, you are here for me. Thank you very much.
Thirdly, I used to think that love is such a beautiful thing and now, I am so scared to commit myself in relationships again.
Lastly, my health is also affected by it. My appetite gets smaller and smaller that I can only eat one meal a day and of course, my weight keep going down. And my old sickness of gastric flu is back to me again. It really made my appetite worse because I could feel disgusting when I am eating my favourite chocolates.
There are too many changes in me and my life which I cannot pen it down all here. Life has to go on even if that person has already abandoned you. It's really not worth it to get tortured over that person. My life still has to go on because there are a lot of great things waiting for me to pursue :)
12 January 2009
I cried again.
It's for my besties who are there for me and even one of my primary school friends comforted and cheered me up. I really love them loads. Don't worry, a happy-go-lucky girl will back to you all again.
p/s: to him, i don't need your sorry.
Thank you for your betrayal!
14th month anniversary
Your Betrayal
If you think that what we had are good memories, the answer is NO because of your betrayal erased all the memories.
If you think that I cannot forget you easily, the answer is NO because I won't remember those people who hurt me the most.
If you think that I am gonna be sad for you, the answer is NO because I will definitely lead a more happier life than you.
Our relationship will just end with a FULL STOP.
08 January 2009
Carebears ♥
CUTE RIGHT? Spot that pink colour (Love-a-lot) carebear? That's mine! We (7Fs) bought these carebears from Kiddy Palace at Century Square. Too bad, there was short of another one in this picture because Sun Mei was not with us. We took a lot of pictures in Lecture Threate without the lecturer's notice, how crazy we are uh?
These little things really cheer my day up :)
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